Alt-Jpop's Theory of Jpop I: America, Italy, Baguette and a lot of Nori

Whether you write it or not, think it or not, feel it or not, sleep on it or not, we all have a theory of something, whether the Earth is flat, whether History is Dead***, or if THE SHARING ECONOMY IS A REALLY BIG SCAM AND WILL LEAD US TO A LOT OF ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY!!! None of the theories mentioned above aren't of my interest, the Earth is not flat, History is not Dead and Sharing Economy is not a scam. Sometimes in order to have a proper theory one has to grab a handful of Blueberries, high in antiOX, let the blood in the brain flow, inciting you think and wonder why the Earth is flat, why F'MAN instead of Foodman, why play Super Monkey Ball in the stuttering flat Earth. 5 Japanese Female Monkeys, 4 mute and one that sings. Start rotating in Mode7 fashion, like lil rodents inside a sphere. The stuttering Mode7 plane fka "The Flat Earth" becomes slightly transversal, the 4 mute Japanese monkeys fall into the void and reach America while Namie Amuro gets shipped First Class UPS Box...

Do you know what is Italo-Disco? 

Isn't that Jessy Lanza?

Who's Jessy Lanza?

Ok, I need a couple of francs, a couple of liras mate.

Isn't Turkey part of Greece?

Ok, mate, what's the European Union. Got no money m8. I play guitar and have a Suzuki JPMorgan 808 you can make some Supersaw Synths and make you go turbo into the Speed of the Night.

Hmmm. What if I loan you one of the Monkeys, I pay in Erdo-Lira.

Well, you need to pay me in Musso-Franco.

I will send you the Yens in a suitcase, make sure you bring the JPMorgan with you.

Yes, I need to put the money in my card so I can make all my missing payments. Call me Giancarlo.

Not many know the full story of Super Monkey's, they got stuck in USA, they wandered through Route 65, searching for ideas, biting the dust, and using sand as quilt, pull your thumbs out, a warm F-150 stops for us, "Sorry to tell you this, we will have to deport you back to the Big Ben for not having a proper visa, you can say hi to 21 Savage in the carseat. Don't worry, I will give you a camera to take pics in the Big Ben, it's not really that impressive when you see it in person." One of the lady replies, "sir, the Earth is flat and we fell from it like an angel from the sky."

What is a theory of Jpop? What can be a summary of such attempt. What is Jpop? To answer this we must answer what is culture? To this we  need to add two sub-questions: (a) why is the Earth Flat; (b) what is the context of culture within Hyperwave****

We need to bring an old 1898music motif, the Merzbauic Syntax. The Merzbauic Syntax is concept developed by Teresa and DJ Melania 666 via the Hyperwave Cloning System. The Hyperwave Cloning System condenses everything into a total ontological equality, pop is Noise, Noise is pop, it leads you into an ambiguous duality between Cannibalism and Total Planetary Raw Veganism. Is Accelerationism dead? Accelerationism is not edgy anymore... As you can see, the most consistent element of Accelerationism, how fast it dates, Accelerationism is only a mere Dejavu. Pop is extremely ridiculous, music is completely ridiculous. Why can't genres last forever? Eurobeat, Italo-Disco to pay my bills, Japanoise, Vaporwave, PC Music, Crunk... The sharing economy is the most important phase of the Acceleration of Capitalism. We need to fool civilization with a new narrative, there are no narratives, maybe oui oui Baguette is right. We need to spread history is dead, idealism is dead, messianity is dead, we are all experts thanks to the availability of information, there will no longer be a John Cage, no Mozart, no Merzbauw, no Event, we are all a body Full of Organs. We need to tell everyone, "you aren't special, that was already done in year 18%%" In a sense, you have to be between a consumer and a Music Journalist, do the opposite of hype but be guided by the edge...

Are you aware that Hyperwave will accelerate the staleness of cyber-culture to point of Intolerable Novelty? This is the most horrible aspect of Accelerationism. It's a science of studying and manipulating denialism. 

Yes, we need a Monopoly and monopoly is synonymous with the auto-elimination/hyperproduction of culture. To eliminate every trace of the past, to burn all the vinyls, delete all data, maybe Is%%%% will hack the World Wide Web who knows. We will have to start from 0 again, create culture again, have the smell of a new car. Get high on Dejavu, to create a Monopoly...

What is Italo-Disco? The music of the Italian clubs...

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