What makes a beat a good beat for 1898music? Do you meet our standards?

Some people actually send me beatz every now and then, and they ask me to give my opinion. Ironically these people seem to have a bigger fanbase than us! Other people simply evade showing us their music when after listening to DJ Melania 666 or Alt-Jpop. People are afraid, of the DJ Tony, Teresa or DJ Melania opinion, it is as if we are going to annihilate their self-esteem. Of course, we bash everything every now and then but that's part of the joke, deep down we are good people. So, what makes a a good beat according to us?

To this I must say, the most important thing about a beat, it's actually... you... Deep down, we are conscious that critique is arbitrary and that Music Journalism should be strictly controlled by the State! Jk. You guys get the point, what makes an opinion valid? You just need the clout. Clout is not having 1million followers, write reviews for Pitchfork, having a polyamorous relationship, etc. Clout is more complex. You could be a nobody and destroy someone else's beatz. True clout is really about knowledge, not expertise, but knowledge, and knowledge can only be acquired living life, in other words, to get hit, to live the street law. Experts are low quality snobs. Experts never enjoy anything, that's why they are so angry. Does that mean that someone who has lived "the scene" of a particular musical style is knowledgeable? You have knowledge when you lived a scene and didn't get laid. At the end of the day, knowledge is a little bit analogous with not getting laid. Getting laid is good, as matter of fact, it's an excellent thing to do! But if you do things for the pussy, you are a degenerate without purpose or duty. Some people get laid two times a day and some people get laid once every two months, the latter is probably more degenerate, though, both are degenerate.

I think I'm changing topic, going back to the initial purpose. Why is the most important thing "you"? Going to make a confession, when I was 16 I listened to a Power Metal band named Light Bringer, and I convinced myself that I liked the band because of the music but I knew very well I just wanted to bang the singer, blame the hormones at the time but now that I think about it, this song is pretty lit. I'm not saying looks matter, on the contrary, I couldn't care less! What I'm saying is that one cannot quantify music, music is just music, it just plays, rings, resonates, it gives you a headache, it makes you wanna sleep. One cannot give ra(n)ting to something that already speaks for itself, as my Filipina Penpal and friend DJ Melania 666 insists.

What is a good beat for 1898music and Alt-Jpop? Be yourself.

Ok 1898, quit the postmodernist BS and talk about the technical stuff about beatz...

If you truly truly want a DJ Tony aka Toni or DJ Melania 666 opinion, subscribe to our Patreon, believe me, if you give us an economic incentive, we will give very saucy and arbitrary opinions. 


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