"Reinventing reinvention" Conversation with DJ Melania 666
DJ Melania 666 is prominent but obscure figure in the Accelerationist Electronic Scene, some people consider her the purest form of Accelerationism in Beatz. She digresses nonetheless. Melany is from Manila.
Alt-Jpop: DJ Melania what is the future of beatz?
Melany: The future of beatz is that there is no future of beatz.
Alt-Jpop: So you say everything has been done.
Melany: Everything has been done.
Alt-Jpop: I remember that Sega Bodega once said that there are still things to do in music.
Melany: This guy Sega Dreamcast Bodegón is completely delusional.
Alt-Jpop: If there is nothing new why make beatz?

Alt-Jpop: I see that in your upcoming EP you reincorporate the voice once again. Is this a conceptual reversal of your previous mixtape?
DJ Melania 666: Yes and no. If you notice 1898's beatz during all 2018 and part of 2019. They all lack voice and sampling. It's no accident, we made this completely intentional. I wanted to eliminate neurosis. The voice doesn't exist but it makes you remember, since people desire the voice, I decided that I must annihilate the voice, silence can cure civilization! This is Sachiko Matsubara's lesson with the No-Input Method! Total Isolationism! I still stand by this, we need silence. If you think about it, this idea of No-Input is Decelerationist. But I don't think Decelerationism opposes Accelerationism. Decelerationism is the science of Accelerationism, Decelerationism is the Science of Neurosis. I have been inspired with what you have made with Xia Shu, to reincorporate the voice once again to 1898music. I decided to embrace the voice too. This is a partial embracing of the voice. I felt disappointed when Slovenian Deconstructed Club Radio Show MODEM included in their broadcast the only track that contained voice samples. I expected something like this, my feelings of disappointment is not really disappointment, this disappointment is full of truth, that the planet is a really Neurotic and terrible place. I'm not calling the guys at MODEM neurotic, they are great guys and less neurotic than me, they applied science when choosing that track, they fell in my trap. Ironically this song titled LAW ENFORCEMENT.
Alt-Jpop: This makes me think something extremely ridiculous, but don't you feel Marie Kondo is an invention of 1898music?
DJ Melania 666: I say a metaphoric yes. I would say both respond to the same thing at the same time. 1898music is not Accelerationism, this why I don't like when people describe 1898music as Accelerationism. We are just a product of the sickness of The World. The World is ill. Sadism and Domination makes you remember. Sometimes we need neurosis, sometimes we need to remember that the world is a terrible place. This is why I've been endorsing Veganism since day 1. I'm not an Animal Rights activist, I don't even look like one. But look at humanity, it has been abusing, torturing and eating animals, nobody thinks they eat a carcass. I endorse Veganism as a way to save yourself, animals can't be saved, of course, we diminish animal sufferment by not eating them. Marie Kondo and 1898music are about maintaining moral integrity. The Voluntary Acceleration of Capitalism will expose all the crimes of the World, that we've been abusing and devouring sentient beings. The death of all fish in 2040 will paradoxically diminish carnism. I hate pescatarians. Eating meat is the most corrupt thing one can do. But I don't entirely blame meat eaters, the increase of meat consumption is at par with the collapse of civilization. Look at Japan, they banned eating meat during the Edo Period. Japan and The World has become increasingly ill since the reincorporation of meat and the fall of Edo. There is no accident in the rise of Incels and "Herbivore Men" in Japan and Worldwide. I don't hate meat eaters, I just feel pity, one needs to take care of them. When you criticize a meat eater, they obviously become extremely reactive and corrupt, they obviously feel the World is Neurosis, they feel the guilt, they become hyper neurotic and they must disprove any arguments against eating meat, they will ramble all day long, that Herbivores are malnourished, they embrace tribalism and all this non-sense, subscribe to filipinas hunting cockroaches. But the argument of Veganism is very simple, animals are murdered and they feel pain in the process, eating animals is no different than eating a newborn baby. The topic of my EP is the same topic as ever, it is Ontologically Pure Vitalism, the complete elimination of guilt and death. Meat-Eating can never eliminate guilt for more sadism and cannibalism they appear to endorse.
Alt-Jpop: For some reason Marie Kondo barely talks and when she talks is completely incomprehensible to the spectator. But I'm confused, isn't DJ Melania 666 sadist? Does DJ Melania 666 endorse suffering?
DJ Melania 666: I don't endorse suffering, I actually encourage jouissance, isn't that the point of sadism?
Alt-Jpop: I see your point. What is the future of humanity?
Melany: I personally don't know and I couldn't care less. There is a movie I like, a movie that reminded me of something you said during the 1898music Non-PC Music times, something you said about a problematic fully automated lover... I don't want to reveal that edgy side of DJ Tony... This movie is about a man who is a masochist and hires a company of femdoms. His instructions are very simple and straight to the point, he wanted the dominatrixes to appear randomly and torture him without clemency. There is something great about this idea, this more than proof that we haven't seen anything yet...
Alt-Jpop: So 1898 is openly embracing Accelerationism once again?
DJ Melania 666: Yes. 1898music has always been a subject of Accelerationism. But I don't buy Deconstructed Club or other proto-Accelerationist derivatives yet, it totally misses the point. Technology sux. I find funny that all Cultural Manifestations of Accelerationism are identitarian and syndicalist, there is no way to get rid of the Left for more edginess you portray. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with sometimes being a lil bit leftist, I have always supported Chávez.
Alt-Jpop: Let's talk about the guitar solo you did in our collab A BIG PALACE IN SPAIN.
DJ Melania 666: First of all, I didn't only do the solo, a composed 50% of the song lil prick. Jk about lil prick. I love the track, the song is quite happy. Some people can think DJ Melania 666 is unhappy music, I feel DJ Melania 666 is extremely happy and can be even more happy if I decide to. My project is not noise, my beatz are a derivative of Popular Music. I saw that in the 1898music fb post where you talk about finding gf taking selfie inMadrid you exclude the most important part.
Alt-Jpop: ???
Melany: You don't remember?
Alt-Jpop: What are you talking about?
DJ Melania 666: That we tied her up!!!!
Alt-Jpop: You mean tidy her room up?
DJ Melania 666: Oops, I always confuse those two words, they are very similar. Yeah, her room was disaster, it was the room of a Herbivore Woman lol. We Marie Kondo'ED her room.
Alt-Jpop: The art of tidying up
DJ Melania 666: I enjoyed more the series Atelier though.
Alt-Jpop: The one about designing bras lol!
DJ Melania 666: I identify myself with her boss, a true Dominatrix.
Alt-Jpop: Leaving bras aside, who is your favorite producer.
DJ Melania 666: Good question. Maybe Conlon Nancarrow?
Alt-Jpop: One last question jijijijijijijij, One last question for u jijijijijij
DJ Melania 666: what is the question? jijijijijijij
Alt-Jpop: What VST plugins do u use? jijijijijijijiji
Melany: FL-Keys jijijijiji all black keys jijijiji