The Meaning of "Hyper": What do I think of Deconstructed Club? Deconstructed Club inspired 1898?

Arca preparing for a bullfight

"I think my sounds are more sample-oriented. Even the synths that I like a lot are more sample-based. It's almost like with digital graphics: it's raster vs. vector. I'm more raster when it comes to sound."-M.E.S.H.

Deconstructed Club, we all know what this is right? Some people hate it, Kode 9 bashed it by calling it self-indulgent in the dancefloor, everybody hates it basically. I personally don't hate it. How can I hate Deconstructed Club when Alt-Jpop and DJ Melania 666 have some vestiges of Deconstructed Club. I don't know where the name comes from, at first I found the term Deconstructed Club pretty retarded (I still find it quite retarded) but at the end of the day I simply don't take the term literally. Deconstructed Club is very vast scene, from Staycore to NAAFI to PAN and recently Posh Isolation and Kai Whiston. How did all this started?

Kode9 influenced dancefloor

Some people say it started with Arca, maybe. I remember I bought an Arca record at FNAC, the one with the red creature in the cover, don't remember the name to be honest. I listened to the record once during a trip, and I was highly impressed at the time, I was just getting into Accelerationist electronic music composition. The unintelligibility of the record amused me but I lost the CD so I was never able to listen to it again and analyze it. I was into PC Music and Jpop during that time, I was listening to PC Music since its early days, I don't know what got me into it but I was obsessed! PC Music truly changed my life, it inspired me to take Electronic Music Composition very seriously(ironically enough). Many people that compose Deconstructed Club claim that Arca inspired them to make that style of music. From a psychoanalytical perspective they suffer the PC Music Repression Syndrome. Anybody who makes proto-Accelerationist beatz knows very well that he/she enjoyed PC Music like a degenerate, it's true that we have more refined taste but one cannot escape the PC Music anti-Granulation anti-Raster pro-Vector Ontology. I may bash PC Music but as a composer who makes Hyper Transcendental F-Zero Constructed protoDeconstructed Club Beatz I still cannot get rid of the PC Music's Musical Hyperpresence.

In a sense 1898 is Unilaterally Anti-Deconstructed Club but I truly love a lot of Deconstructed Club! Without doubt, M.E.S.H. is in the top 5 1898music inspirations, there is even an 1898 track where I make reference to M.E.S.H. via friendly bullying "Less Raster More Vector." This was the first 1898 track that consisted in the "Total Synthesis" approach, to make beatz with 0% sampling, to design every single sound, I only used FM8 (maybe a lil bit of Massive too) to do this but throughout time we have ended up embracing every VST plugin to make our sounds (excluding Omnisphere, Nexus and its variants). Must confess that our transition to Total Synthesis was partly due to a phase we were passing through, were we sent demos but everything was Deconstructed Club or NeoHippie Deconstructed Brian Eno Vaporwave and we became anti-Deconstructed Club, we were extremely triggered because everybody criticized 1898, I was like fuck Granular Synthesis, fuck Berlin, fuck techno, fuck Ambient, fuck the Chicago Bros, fuck PC Music, we are going to declare Unilateral Independence. Since then, we stopped listening to experimental Music, we were extremely triggered, as consequence we went on a Psychedelic Isolationist Trip that even reached the social! The impulse was ridiculous but I must say that it did us very good, we developed our style even further and eventually create Alt-Jpop and DJ Melania 666's Moldbuggian Dubstep.

Kawabata thinking about beatz
It's not about making ontologically precise music, all music is ontologically precise, it's about you being ontologically precise, about your jouissance, about purity. This is why I'm allergic to music journalism or reviews, I don't like the idea. Music is just noise, the music is in our head, dogs don't care about music. No wonder Nietzsche said life without music is a mistake, in other words I cannot live without neurosis, I'm fucking sick. This is why I don't believe in Speculative Music and 50% of the Generative Music Agenda (I'm still for Generative Music Though), it's an extremely naive concept. Many Techno-Rationalists will hate me for what I'm going to say, 1898music is quasi-Phenomenologist, Phenomenology passed through Taoist Monk with 9 wives aka Kant and Heidegger translated with Google Translate aka F-Zero GX Mono No Aware. I find funny the PAN Records Mono No Aware, I feel they took Yawabata too seriously, they idealized him, they added too much vapor, too much pleasure, too much hedonism, when we all know the life of the characters of this author lived a very boring and terse life, Japan is boring af, their life was so boring that you could only write the book with haikus to make it more interesting. Yawabata wasn't about decent steamy sex with strange Japanese sex toys but about playing PS4 in Hokkaido Hotel and occasionally pay a geisha to give you a stale and mediocre Blow Job aka write you a haiku with Google Translate. Ironic enough this is why I think Lost in Translation got mono no aware right.

"Kanye sampled this grrrrrrrrr"- L/ACC co-owner of PAN
Of course, life is sad and full of mediocre blow jobs, this is why 1898 opts for sadistic happy music. Everybody hates pretentious people, that's probably because they haven't been disciplined by the DJ Melania 666 sadistic triplets... A text that encapsulates the 1898 spirit is a text by François Laruelle titled "Variations on a Theme", if you want to understand 1898 go read that text. I think that text encapsulates what I will describe as PC Music Sadism. One may think that I'm talking about Danny L Harle, Sophie or Spinee, PC Music is an intuition that has no representative, no one at Parliament. PC Music doesn't imply AG Cook, PC Music is an idea, a timeless intuition. Raster erases with PSD Magic Wand but it cannot erase the powerful and Metaphysically resistant PC Music Vector, in the end PC Music is about the Absolute. And how can you access the Absolute? Through Intuitive Sadism aka the Hidden Jouissance of Deconstructed Club. Deconstructed Club, if your strip it down from Ambient and Techno you have PC Music Ontological Sadism. This build your own Deconstructed Club legitimizes the Therapeutic Metaphysical potential of its technique.

Deconstructed Club may be veiled in hedonism but deep down there is an ascetic impulse. What I love about Deconstructed Club is it's extreme coherence, it's probably the most coherent music genre of the planet. Deconstructed Club asks the ontological question "have we grown tired?" Capital has eliminated our purpose, love, our jouissance, must strive beyond in order to redeem my daily existence. Deconstructed Club like most protoAccelerationist Music is inherently suicidal (including 1898music). Accelerationist music is ontologically triggered with Modernity this is why most of its composers have extreme Neurotic and OCD tendencies while composing music. M.E.S.H. even showed a sign of this OCD when he said "he agonizes" while composing this type of music, there is an extreme obsession with perfection in order to maintain the swing. Deconstructed Club sees things nobody sees, this is why PC Music Sadism is self-indulgent as Kode9 would say. Accelerationist music accelerates the modernist consciousness to the very end but it remains incomplete. The limit of Deconstructed Club is the double edge sword of the Ambientological Enjoyment, hedonism leads us to an unhappy life, hedonism is inherently submissive. Deconstructed Club is one step away from asceticism, when you divorce Ambientological Hedonism from Sadism you simply make Modernity crash. At the end of the day, there is nothing to say about the mountains.

I once met Ghazal at Madrid, the co-founder of Staycore117, a label I respect a lot, she told me that when she played her set people were confused with the beatz, they simply couldn't dance to it. Here we can see how Kode9 was right about Deconstructed Club's self-serving approach. Of course one cannot dance this music! It's not made for you! Just sit down and obey the Sadism of the Kick!

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