Why Veganism? 5 Lessons in Life.

A Vegan World! :O

Not everybody is aware that every member of 1898music and myself are Vegan. I've been Vegan since I was 15 years old and now I'm 29. A lot of time has passed since I initially went Vegan. Has my Philosophy of Veganism changed throughout all these years? I would say the impulse is the same, and as life goes on, my initial purpose is constantly reaffirmed. Why Veganism? Here are my 5 lessons in life Veganism has taught me.

1. Be Militant

One of the main problems of our century is not laziness but lack of militancy. We are obsessed with striving different goals and focusing on what is the latest trend. One has to aim at the timeless rather than the disposable. Veganism is a promise of eternity and purity, from the first day you are Vegan, you are eternally Vegan, it makes no sense to go on a temporary Vegan diet. This fidelity and militancy is extended to 1898music and Alt-Jpop, you hold on to an eternal intuition and process. Once you start the promise, one cannot go back.

2. Pleasure doesn't exist

We live in a very Hedonistic period but it's not the same hedonism of our parents, it is a hedonism that it's very difficult to reverse since the conditions of our age intensify a very vicious aspect of human nature. We always expect the best, we switch partners, we try to look for the perfect food, the perfect music, etc., we are never satisfied. If we are never satisfied, why do we strive pleasure in the first place? Pleasure is obviously a human invention and imperative, you don't see pleasure walking in the streets, it's just inside our heads. This is why the outside is the only thing that matters, not the inside. Veganism renounces to the illusion of enjoyment of animal products. Eating meat is mandatory in most cultures, it is always articulated as the ultimate form of culinary pleasure. Veganism is all about knowledge, about reconfiguring this knowledge, about being born again! After all, one never enjoys sex the first time, or maybe we never really enjoy it...

3. Meat eating sometimes leads to Violent Behaviors. Drink Soy Milk.

Whenever I go to Wholefoods, I see less Soy Based products. Popular Vegan Staple CLIF are slowly transitioning to Soy Free Bars. Why is this happening? What is the stigma of this complete Plant Protein? We all know Science is a bunch of BS. Today's Scientific Papers aren't very different from a Deconstructionist Analysis of The Vulva in French Literature(that actually sounds dope though). In the age of Fake News, a gym meathead with tiny genitals is a certified Food Scientist! It doesn't matter how much muscle you have, you will always be a pussy lickin' cuck. Drink Soy Milk, it cures the paranoia, High T lowers the IQ and intensifies Violent Crime. As a male, don't focus on having too much Testosterone, you need to simply accept you don't enjoy sex. It's ok to not enjoy coitus, more T won't make any noticeable difference in your sexuality. Anyway, respect to all the bodybuilders who lift for the power of Duty and purity.

4. Respect the law

I'm not here talking about the "law" law, I'm talking about the Law of the Duty. I have said before in this blog that one has a duty in life, a "purpose." Following the duty is respecting the Ontological Law, if one is loyal to 1898, one has to be loyal with the ordinary life, there is equality of the law. In a metaphorical manner, we could express that the penalty for every crime is the same. If not making beatz breaks the Law of the Duty of Beatz or eating Animal Products too, one is doing the equivalent of stealing a Tabasco Sauce in Chipotle.

5. You are what you eat, it's all about you, not the animals

If you eat a carrot, you are a bunny. If you drink coke, you are a drug addict. If you drink Gazpacho you are a meat eater, as simple as that. Why do I include Gazpacho as meat? For a very simple reason. Veganism is not about literally abstaining from animal products, it's about equalizing, some vegetables equal meat. Veganism, obviously doesn't care about the animals, deep, deep down, Veganism isn't really a diet, Veganism is really about being pure, the purest form of pure, the purest form of the duty, you simply are Vegan because you are Vegan. If you are what you eat and you eat Vegan, well―you are Vegan!

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