Transcendental Bedroom Beatz, Clout Chasing and Online Dating

People seem to be very inspired (and very bored too). They appear to have a lot of extra time to chat, to make beatz, to tweet, to engage in the infamous no nut November (whatever that means), etc. It makes me reflect as a beatmaker who creates a public good meant to be shared, this public good is popular music. I have always been very open about my position regarding Western Beatz, I don't like the attitude or its Metaphysics, from Clout Chasers to Game Changers to Beat Leasers. For me the most important thing as a producer is the power of the duty. We have a duty to make beatz, this duty is an authority you impose to yourself or it could be described as you becoming the Authority. Your duty is to make a beat, to unconditionally make a beat, to hyperproduce, to be loyal to your Ethics or as my Filipina Penpal DJ Melania 666 would say Be Loyal to The 6.

The hyper-regulated gig economy has definitely deteriorated the power of the duty, tacitly implied that Marketing is a really big myth and has Tinderized our social relations. Sometimes, when I contact someone for anything 1898 or Alt-Jpop related, they seem to play the shit-test as if the music biz was some sort of online dating pool (as a matter of fact, it is). Your music could be good but it really doesn't matter to them, it's all about passing their test, in my honest opinion, producers should evade these people and apply a little bit of moralism. Moralism is often frowned upon, from every current cultural and political background, this is why I think it's necessary to be moralistic in today's age. Anti-Moralism is a tactic used by the clout chaser. There are pretty girls all over twitter with 10K followers who give nothing of cultural value, clout overdosed producers who only make drums and put passive-aggressive tweets, hype-trains, etc. I'm not here adopting a demand for a distribution of wealth or in other words a redistribution of clout but I emphasize a personal, almost Self-Help and therapeutic perspective. You have a higher purpose as producer that exceeds the degenerate enjoyment of the clout chaser, to make popular music. What is popular music for Alt-Jpop? Music that is not deviated from the duty, music that isn't corrupt, music that heals the soul, music that doesn't compete with the other, music of the self, a challenge for you, music for you.

My advice as a music producer is that one has to be moralistic, but not a moralism that strives to change the other people, but a moralism that impedes contaminating oneself with the corruption of our modern age. Does this means that one has to retreat and deny our modern age? Yes and No. As I've said, one cannot go against what resists change or try to change the other but one can simply accept you have no other choice but to become the most Modern Machine, a Wisdom Machine among the grime of Modernity, a shrine within the Earth, to become a landmark, a black hole inside Modernity. As a producer you must become a blackhole, create the black hole at 1898's lab, with the 1898 Modern Machine, and when you least expect it, you, the tw hoes and the clout chasers vanish from the Earth!

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