"Reinventing reinvention" Conversation with DJ Melania 666

DJ Melania 666 is prominent but obscure figure in the Accelerationist Electronic Scene, some people consider her the purest form of Accelerationism in Beatz. She digresses nonetheless. Melany is from Manila. Alt-Jpop: DJ Melania what is the future of beatz? Melany: The future of beatz is that there is no future of beatz. Alt-Jpop: So you say everything has been done. Melany: Everything has been done. Alt-Jpop: I remember that Sega Bodega once said that there are still things to do in music. Melany: This guy Sega Dreamcast Bodegón is completely delusional. Alt-Jpop: If there is nothing new why make beatz? Melany: I ask myself that question everyday. I feel beatz are made for you to make and not forget. Beatz help you remember. Beatz are a lil bit neurotic. I once thought I could eliminate neurosis in beatmaking, but I guess I was wrong. The worst thing about the human condition is that one never cures neurosis. We have a lot of imagination. So here I adopt a Juda...